A social queen is the social butterfly of her peers. It’s not always easy being friends with everyone in high school! Do you have what it takes to be the most popular girl?
As the social queen, you will need to create and maintain great relationships with everyone around you. You will want to build up a large social circle surrounding you. Isn’t it fun to have a lot of people to share in your life? The more, the merrier. You’ll get to dress up in all the chic styles that make everyone want a makeover from you. Are you ready to be the most popular girl?
How to Play:
• You desire to be the most popular girl!
• Become a social queen among your high school friends.
• Make friends with as many people as possible.
• Maintain your friendships.
• Share your life.
• Dress up as befitting a social butterfly.
• Rule your school as the most popular girl!
The path to being the most popular girl is not an easy one. It takes spending time with everyone to make their friendship feel important. Can you be the social queen of your high school? The time is now to find out. Download today to start broadening your social circle!
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Una reina social es la mariposa social de sus compañeros. No siempre es fácil estar amigo de todos en la escuela secundaria! ¿Tienes lo que se necesita para ser la chica más popular?
Como la reina sociales, tendrá que crear y mantener buenas relaciones con todos a su alrededor. Usted tendrá que construir un gran círculo social que le rodea. ¿No es divertido tener una gran cantidad de personas para compartir en su vida? Cuanto más, mejor. Tendrá la oportunidad de vestirse con todos los estilos elegantes que hacen que todo el mundo quiere un cambio de imagen de usted. ¿Estás listo para ser la chica más popular?
Cómo jugar:
• Usted desea ser la chica más popular!
• Ser una reina social entre sus amigos de la secundaria.
• Hacer amigos con tantas personas como sea posible.
• Mantener sus amistades.
• Comparte su vida.
• Viste como corresponde a una mariposa social.
• Regla de su escuela como la chica más popular!
El camino para ser la chica más popular no es una tarea fácil. Se necesita pasar tiempo con todo el mundo para hacer que su amistad se sienta importante. ¿Puede ser la reina sociales de su escuela secundaria? Ahora es el momento de averiguarlo. Descarga hoy para empezar a ampliar su círculo social!
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A social queen is the social butterfly of her peers. It’s not always easy being friends with everyone in high school! Do you have what it takes to be the most popular girl?
As the social queen, you will need to create and maintain great relationships with everyone around you. You will want to build up a large social circle surrounding you. Isn’t it fun to have a lot of people to share in your life? The more, the merrier. You’ll get to dress up in all the chic styles that make everyone want a makeover from you. Are you ready to be the most popular girl?
How to Play:
• You desire to be the most popular girl!
• Become a social queen among your high school friends.
• Make friends with as many people as possible.
• Maintain your friendships.
• Share your life.
• Dress up as befitting a social butterfly.
• Rule your school as the most popular girl!
The path to being the most popular girl is not an easy one. It takes spending time with everyone to make their friendship feel important. Can you be the social queen of your high school? The time is now to find out. Download today to start broadening your social circle!
[[Find out more fun games on our social media! ]]
If you want to check us out, visit our website: http://www.lovefashiondoll.com/
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fashion-Doll-Inc-541320739345559
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FashionDollInc